Our sandblasting service in Sydney is perfectly suited for a wide variety of applications. We will come to you and help remove any material from almost any surface. We can remove layers of old paint prior to coating, painting, and bonding operations, remove rust, sand, scale, and gunk from components, help you achieve a cosmetic matte surface, remove mold from plastic, texture and tool surfaces, and toughen industrial components. We utilise media blasting that produces little to no dust. Compared to traditional sandblasting methods, our method is much safer without harmful silica particles. We can handle any tough-to-remove material and blast through it like nothing.
Abrasive Cleaning
Need paint removed from an automobile, line markings removed from concrete or asphalt, or algae blasted away from sandstone? Call us today for a free quote and set up your appointment! Let us know a little bit more about what you want to accomplish, and we’ll tackle your problem quick.