4 Results for month: 11/2016
Dustless blasting carries some key benefits over traditional sandblasting methods, namely, it removes the health risk from the equation. Medical studies have established that traditional sand-based blasting is a leading cause of silicosis, a disease that can be crippling. Because the media utilized in dustless blasting is wet, ...
We serve a number of commercial and residential clients in the local area with our host of services. One of the most beautiful things that we accomplish with our dustless blasting is sandblasted glass, which can help beautify your corporate offices or residences. Abrasives can be used to lightly chip glass surfaces in order to ...
Sandblasting has a lot of different uses and that makes it an appealing asset with a number of applications. With modern sandblasting, sand itself is rarely used, as it emerged with different medical studies over time that using sand as a blasting material posed health risks to the operator. Dustless blasting is the method that ...
Cleaning up and restoring classic cars is a passion project for many Australians. When I started working on classic auto a couple of decades ago, I would use sand and a wire brush to remove rust on the cars I was working on. This was before I knew about sandblasting and how useful it was in the car restoration process. I’d ...